Santander 4 – 7 SEPT 2024
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Invitation to Sponsorship & Exhibition
Hotel Santemar, Santander (Spain)
Welcome from the Chair of the PEVoC-15 2024 Organising Committee
Dear Sponsors,
A prestigious European event – the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVoC) – will be held on September 4-7, 2024 in Santander (Spain).
The Pan European Voice Conference (PEVoC) was first initiated in 1995 by Johan Sundberg and Gunnar Rugheimer. The idea was to create a forum, where specialists from all around the world interested in the human voice and its workings could meet and share their discoveries and practical experiences biannually.
In this conference, various professionals will share their research: doctors, singers, rehabilitators, coaches, psychologists, physiotherapists, and researchers and communicators.
PEVoC has taken place in different countries all around Europe and companies have always participated actively. The Conference expects to gather up to 400 participants.
Holding a high-level meeting on voice is always a point of growth both from the scientific viewpoint as well as enhancing the reputation of the host location.
From the scientific standpoint, latest advances are presented, and a culture of research on the subject is generated. Furthermore, as each member grows, knowledge grows, and future lines of development are implemented.
The host location benefits in terms of potentiating higher quality work in research centers, in companies related to the subject, and in adding value to the city itself.
In short, it is a moment of development for science, art, and technology. It is an R+D+i moment. It is a meeting point that will make people and the host city grow.
PEVoC 15 is the ideal moment for growth.
Alfonso Borragán, Chair of PEVoC15
Become a sponsor
If you decide to support our important event, we would like to offer you several options to help us
Please contact our sponsoring department on
An opportunity too good to miss!
Many voice experts will meet at this conference – not only from around Europe but also the rest of the world. They all strive to optimise their own voices, or those of their patients and/or students. This is a collective with determined dedication to research.
New fields of development provided by technological manufacturers are fundamental to obtain better results in many research projects.
Santander offers the ideal, relaxing environment to allow scientific thought to flow.
Furthermore, the activities held at the conference will seek to encourage new approaches for development: we will sing; we will hear lectures focussing on practical applications,
and most importantly we will have the Vocal Lab – the place where voice experts will be able to demonstrate to the attendees the practical use of the tools and products provided by the exhibitors.
You can’t miss this unique opportunity to meet so many researchers and clinicians and to let them know what your company can offer them.
We would like you to be part of this conference showing your products in a stand or/and in the Vocal Lab, sponsoring any of the social events or just being partner for voice science development.
Contact the organization at