Santander 4 – 7 SEPT 2024
<< Voice Moves
The World>>

At PEVOC 15, the programme has been designed with a double objective. On one hand to create meeting points to exchange relevant scientific information on the voice with Round Tables, Workshops, Free Presentations, and a Poster Session seeking clear and attractive communication. Furthermore, the Keynotes Speakers will expose in depth the topic of their research. On the other hand to experience the voice. The voice is the most complex instrument to define that is why experimenting produces changes.
In this PEVOC, we want to come up with new sessions that will enrich our thinking and doing.
A VOCAL LABORATORY is open all day to meet, play, experiment, lean, etc. It is a new space with instruments, devices, tools where attendees could experiment with the voice alone or together with other colleagues.
SINGING WITH SCIENCE brings a short real-time experiment carried out on a person to boost positive changes in the voice
SCI-ART TALK approach scientific topic in a practical and artistic way.
We wish to stimulate the participation and work of those attending the congress by offering various prizes. The awards have been created to Promote the Communication of Science through Fascination, be an Active Listener and Sing with Charm to make the Listener Vibrate.
Every moment of the congress will lead to a great discovery.
- Precourse program
- Conference programme
- Keynote speakers
- Performers
- Awards
Precourse program
At PEVOC 15 we offer 5 Courses Preconference to spark deeper interest in specific topics.
The preconference courses will take place on 4 September i.e., the day before the start of PEVoC.
The courses run from 15.00-19.30 and will have a practical approach to the topics dealt with.
The pre-congress courses will all run at the same time, in different rooms, and we offer attendees the possibility to move from one room to another regardless of which course you have signed up for. This is to enable attendees to have a taste of what is going on in each course.
We offered 5 different courses:
- The Voice in Musical Theatre. Singers or Super-Singers?
- A Tailor-Made High-Performance Training Course in Lyrical Singing.
- Voice Circus: make your voice fly.
- Manual Therapy into the Voice World: the missing link.
- What Do You Hear? Voice Training from Non-Singer to professional!
The courses preconference cost €90 and are charged separately from the Congress registration fee.
A separate course is offered by the European Academy of Voice (EAV). This is an all-day Crash Course on Voice. This will run from 9.00-18.30 on September 4 and costs €95.00
Pre-congress courses are always an opportunity to learn something new or to refresh existing knowledge.

European academy of voice
Crash course on voice
European Academy of Voice (EAV) continues to introduce newcomers in the field to the terms and principles of voice research. This tutorial was created to give a one-day, crash course on voice. It is meant for participants, who would like to understand basic measures and methods in voice research, find out the state-of-the-art in voice research, be updated on clinical assessment and voice therapy and get prepared for the upcoming presentations and discussions in regards to PEVoC 15.
To learn more, check the official flyer.
- Anatomy, physiology, pathology
- Endoscopy, stroboscopy, VKG and high-speed imaging
- Aerodynamics and voice analysis
- Voice acoustics, microphones, recording and computers
- Principles of voice therapy
- Dissection and phonosurgery
- Breathing and pulmonary function
- Analyzing voices with ears, brain, and heart

José masegosa
The voice in Musical Theatre. Singers or Super-Singers?
How does a musical theatre actor approach a number where they have to sing, act and dance? What makes a musical theatre singer distinct from the rest? Why is it such a demanding discipline? What care does it require? José has designed his own vocal training system, the “MEV”. Together with Julia Möller and Alberto Sanchez they will take your voice to a place where almost anything is possible.
- Always warm up the voice. How should it be done?
- How to prepare the body. Taking it to its maximum elasticity so that the voice is more elastic.
- How a character affects your voice: boundaries between acting and voice.
- How to return the voice to its natural place once a performance is over.
- How the physical work of dancing or acting with movement affects the voice.

Gloria Fabuel
A tailor-made high-performance training course in lyrical singing with an intensely progressive dynamic
Becoming a professional of Excellence in lyrical singing is extremely difficult. Learning a good technique, having good general and vocal health, having good emotional control of situations… In order to reach the maximum of each one’s possibilities and maintain themselves, a dynamic for High Performance Artists is necessary. To make known the dynamics that Gloria Fabuel uses is the objective of this course.
- The importance of an affective and healthy vocal technique
- Energy management, let yourself flow!
- Know your own instrument and the capabilities that make it unique and different
- Good habits, perseverance at work and integration of study into daily activity.
- Technique as a means / artistic expression and communication as a goal.

Proelastic TEam
Voice circus
Voice Circus is a vocal activity that was created by Dr. A. Borragán to conduct phonatory experiments in front of an expert audience to observe, study, and investigate the validity and effectiveness of each of the experiments. The Proelastic Team will show the power of this tool and how learning and research can be fun.
- Do 100% humid environments improve your voice? The Gelling Code Experiment
- Can some postures or actions reduce or eliminate body and vocal rigidity? Voice in Flight Experiment
- When entering a resonance chamber, does the voice become richer in sound? Integral Body Resonance Experiment.
- How can vocal tract narrowing be maximised to enhance vocal performance? Adjustable Vocal Tract Balloon (AVTB) Experiment

Carles Expósito – Jacob Lieberman
Manual therapy into the voice world: The missing link
The disadjustment of any of the hundreds muscles of the body can disturb the voice. That’s why manual therapy is becoming more and more present in voice rehabilitation.
Multidisciplinary teams are growing for the full attention treatment focused on the patient and in this pre-course we are going to see what can manual therapy bring to the voice world: how important can it be during a singing lesson and how relevant can it be for a voice treatment.
- Know your own larynx
- Functional anatomy
- What is physiologic? Differences between the normal function and the abnormal function
- Manual Therapy for breathing and its influence for the voice
- Grips and results of the outside techniques from inside.

What do you hear? Voice training from non-singer to professional!
Listen Up! This relevant and practical workshop will explore auditory perceptions when hearing singers from all genres and levels of expertise.
There will be demonstrations from ‘untrained voice to professional level’ and small group work with mixed professionals exploring vocal techniques to highlight vocal colours and timbres focussing on our ears!
Four members of the EVTA executive committee will take you on a journey that connects the ear with the body’s support system for the voice.
A workshop in which singing, teaching, science and medicine can meet, explore and exchange.
For more Info check EVTA website
EVTA pre-course at PEVoC is produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union
- Awakening the senses.
- Crosstraining the voice and why
- Learning through play
- Singing in choir
- Open discussion on the impact of acoustics, amplification, duration, singers’ health, physical load, artistic expectations.
Courses Preconference
FEE: 90€
21% VAT is included
The registration include attendance to preconference courses and coffe break
Crash Course in Voice - EAV
FEE: 95€
21% VAT is included
The registration include attendance to the course and coffe break
Time Table
- 14.30 Registration
- 15.00- 17.00 First part
- 17.00-17.30 Coffee Break
- 17.30-19.30 Second part
- 19.30 End of courses
Time Table
8.30 Registration
09.00-10.45 Sessions 1
10.45-11.15 Coffee break
11.15-13.30 Sessions 2
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.15 Sessions 3
16.15-16.45 Coffee break
16.45-18.30 Sessions 4
18.30 Adjourn
Conference program
Full program booklet available for download
Wednesday September 4th
- Gloria Fabuel -
Healthy vocal technique. Energy management
- Gloria Fabuel -
Healthy vocal technique. Energy management
- Gloria Fabuel -
Healthy vocal technique. Energy management
Artistic expression and communication
Artistic expression and communication
- EVTA -
Awakening the senses
Crosstraining the voice and why
- EVTA -
Awakening the senses
Crosstraining the voice and why
- EVTA -
Awakening the senses
Crosstraining the voice and why
Singing in choir
Singing in choir
- José Masegosa -
Warm up the voice
Prepare the body
- José Masegosa -
Warm up the voice
Prepare the body
- José Masegosa -
Warm up the voice
Prepare the body
Return the voice to its natural place
Return the voice to its natural place
- Carles Expósito -
- Jacob Lieberman -
Kow your own larynx
Functional anatomy
- Carles Expósito -
- Jacob Lieberman -
Kow your own larynx
Functional anatomy
- Carles Expósito -
- Jacob Lieberman -
Kow your own larynx
Functional anatomy
Grips and results of the outside techniques from inside
Grips and results of the outside techniques from inside
- Proelastic Team -
The gelling code experiment
Voice in flight experiment
- Proelastic Team -
The gelling code experiment
Voice in flight experiment
- Proelastic Team -
The gelling code experiment
Voice in flight experiment
Adjustable vocal tract balloon (AVTB) experiment
Adjustable vocal tract balloon (AVTB) experiment
Anatomy, Physiology and Patholoy
Endoscopy, Stroboscopy, VKG
Aerodynamics and Voice Analysis
Voice Acoustics, Mic, Recording and Computers
Principles of Voice Therapy
Dissection and Phonosurgery
Breathing and Pulmonary Function
Analyzing Voices with Ears, Brain and Heart
Analyzing Voices with Ears, Brain and Heart
Thursday September 5th
COMET Open Sessions Artistic Voice
COMET Open Sessions Artistic Voice
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Real-Time Feedback of Audio and Physiological Voice Signals
Real-Time Feedback of Audio and Physiological Voice Signals
Real-Time Feedback via Endoscopy and Ultrasound
Real-Time Feedback via Endoscopy and Ultrasound
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
How Voice Teachers Work with Touring Professionals
How Voice Teachers Work with Touring Professionals
What can Manual Therapy bring to Laryngology and Voice Pedagogy?
What can Manual Therapy bring to Laryngology and Voice Pedagogy?
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Dialogues at the Intersection of Neuroscience and Vocal Studies
Dialogues at the Intersection of Neuroscience and Vocal Studies
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Multidisciplinary 1
Psicological 1
Multidisciplinary 1
Psicological 1
Multidisciplinary 2
Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Multidisciplinary 2
Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Multidisciplinary 3
Voice, Sex and Age 3
Multidisciplinary 3
Voice, Sex and Age 3
Multidisciplinary 4
Screening and Prevention
Multidisciplinary 4
Screening and Prevention
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Curious Voice all around the World
Curious Voice all around the World
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Medical 1
Voice Education 1
Medical 1
Voice Education 1
Speech Pathology 1
Speech Pathology 1
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Medical 2
Swallowing and Cough
Medical 2
Swallowing and Cough
Voice Pedagogy 2
Learning and Education 1
Voice Pedagogy 2
Learning and Education 1
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
From Laser to Diamagnetic Pump as a Chronic Anti-inflammatory Resources
From Laser to Diamagnetic Pump as a Chronic Anti-inflammatory Resources
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Voice Pedagogy 1
Singing and Performance 1
Voice Pedagogy 1
Singing and Performance 1
Speech Pathology 2
Transgender and Gender Diverse People 1
Speech Pathology 2
Transgender and Gender Diverse People 1
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Basic Science 1
Neuroscience 1
Basic Science 1
Neuroscience 1
Speech Pathology 3
Speech Pathology 3
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Voice Pedagogy 12
Voice Pedagogy 78
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Medical 314
Voice Pedagogy 333
Medical 294
Voice Pedagogy 312
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Voice pedagogy 348
Speech Pathology 229
Multidisciplinary 298
Multidisciplinary 113
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Voice Pedagogy 130
Voice Pedagogy 34
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Voice Pedagogy 317
Voice Pedagogy 133
COMET Surgical Treatment in Performers
COMET Surgical Treatment in Performers
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Voice Pedagogy 284
Voice Pedagogy 190
Voice Pedagogy 51
Voice Pedagogy 222
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Voice Pedagogy 18
Voice Pedagogy 345
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Voice Pedagogy 214
Voice Pedagogy 39
Speech Patology 340
Voice Pedagogy 79
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Voice Pedagogy 207
Voice Pedagogy 7
Voice Pedagogy 58
Voice Pedagogy 349
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Medical 42
Musical Performance
Sophie Scott
"What Can we Learn about Voices by Thinking about the Brain?"
Voice Pedagogy 297
Voice Pedagogy 108
Voice Pedagogy 347
Ilter Denizoglu
"Rehabilitation Based on Water Resistance Therapy""
Bernhard Richter
"From Leonardo's dream to Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Mara Behlau
"Voice and Culture - Broadening Horizons"
Magical Singing: The New Soul Avengers
Friday September 6th
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
SIO Open Session: Vocal Solution in Oncological Laryngeal Surgery
SIO Open Session: Vocal Solution in Oncological Laryngeal Surgery
Practical Insights in Fibro-Endoscopic Phonosurgery
Practical Insights in Fibro-Endoscopic Phonosurgery
SEORL Open Session: Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
SEORL Open Session: Management of Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Unearthing Sound Identities Transgender Voice
Unearthing Sound Identities Transgender Voice
The PROEL Model: Combining Real Perception with Virtual Reality
The PROEL Model: Combining Real Perception with Virtual Reality
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Multidisciplinary 5
Voice, Sex and Age 2
Multidisciplinary 5
Voice, Sex and Age 2
Multidisciplinary 7
Technology 1
Multidisciplinary 7
Technology 1
Multidisciplinary 8
Neuroscience 2
Multidisciplinary 8
Neuroscience 2
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Multidisciplinary 11
Linguistics and Phonetics 1
Multidisciplinary 11
Linguistics and Phonetics 1
Basic Science 3
Artificial Intelligence
Basic Science 3
Artificial Intelligence
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Multidisciplinary 6
Music Group Activities
Multidisciplinary 6
Music Group Activities
Speech Pathology 4
Speech Pathology 4
Multidisciplinary 9
Articulations, Acoustics, Resonances 2
Multidisciplinary 9
Articulations, Acoustics, Resonances 2
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Medical 3
Diagnostic 1
Medical 3
Diagnostic 1
Multidisciplinary 12
Psycological 2
Multidisciplinary 12
Psycological 2
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Basic Science 2
Basic Science 2
Voice Pedagogy 3
Learning and Education 2
Voice Pedagogy 3
Learning and Education 2
Multidisciplinary 10
Voice Quality
Multidisciplinary 10
Voice Quality
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Voice Pedagogy 4
Singing and Performance 2
Voice Pedagogy 4
Singing and Performance 2
Voice Pedagogy 5
Body Movement and Gestures
Voice Pedagogy 5
Body Movement and Gestures
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Speech Pathology 273
Speech Pathology 36
Multidisciplinary 271
Multidisciplinary 92
Multidisciplinary 280
Multidisciplinary 132
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Speech Pathology 21
Speech Pathology 31
Voice Pedagogy 238
Voice Pedagogy 241
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Voice Pedagogy 47
Voice Pedagogy 124
Voice Pedagogy 70
Voice Pedagogy 27
Voice Pedagogy 254
Voice Pedagogy 259
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Voice Pedagogy 168
Voice Pedagogy 178
Voice Pedagogy 89
Voice Pedagogy 96
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Voice Pedagogy 334
Voice Pedagogy 283
Voice Pedagogy 38
Voice Pedagogy 155
Voice Pedagogy 149
Voice Pedagogy 84
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Consensus: Hot Topics Myths or Facts
Consensus: Hot Topics Myths or Facts
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Singing from the Same Song Sheet - an Unexplored Way to Rebuild Society
Giovanni de Rossi
"Does FEPS make Phonosurgery more Functional? How can we Perform this?"
Alfonso Borragán and Carles Expósito
"Unstable Equilibrium for Optimal Elasticity and Reduced Stiffness"
Mara Dierssen
"Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the Fascinating Realm of Neurobiology and Music"
Kittie Verdolini
"Art and Science: Tired Old Artificial Distinction or Essential Vital Sinergy"
La Fiesta de la Voz: From Lost to the River - Mara Dierssen
Saturday September 7th
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
UEP Open Session: Evidence Based Approach on Phoniatric Topics
UEP Open Session: Evidence Based Approach on Phoniatric Topics
Traditional Folk Song Learning from Origins
Traditional Folk Song Learning from Origins
Voice Moves the World through its Musical Power
Voice Moves the World through its Musical Power
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
How Health Professionals Can Support Acting Voice Pedagogy
How Health Professionals Can Support Acting Voice Pedagogy
NATS IberoAmerica: Singing Pedagogy in Spanish and Portuguese
NATS IberoAmerica: Singing Pedagogy in Spanish and Portuguese
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Multidisciplinary 13
Diagnostic 1
Multidisciplinary 13
Diagnostic 1
Multidisciplinary 14
Voice, Sex and Age 3
Multidisciplinary 14
Voice, Sex and Age 3
Multidisciplinary 15
Technology 2
Multidisciplinary 15
Technology 2
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Multidisciplinary 16
Articulations, Acustics, Resonances
Multidisciplinary 16
Articulations, Acustics, Resonances
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Voice Pedagogy 6
Acoustics 1
Voice Pedagogy 6
Acoustics 1
Paralysis 1
Paralysis 1
Medical 5
Surgery and Dysplasia
Medical 5
Surgery and Dysplasia
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Medical 6
Medical 6
Medical 7
Voice Evaluation 2
Medical 7
Voice Evaluation 2
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Speech Pathology 5
Transgender and Gender Diverse People 2
Speech Pathology 5
Transgender and Gender Diverse People 2
Speech Pathology 6
Therapy 1
Speech Pathology 6
Therapy 1
Voice Pedagogy 7
Learning and Education 2
Voice Pedagogy 7
Learning and Education 2
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Speech Pathology 7
Therapy 2
Speech Pathology 7
Therapy 2
Multidisciplinary 17
Linguistics and Phonetics 2
Multidisciplinary 17
Linguistics and Phonetics 2
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Medical 305
Voice pedagogy 87
Speech Pathology 292
Speech Pathology 146
Multidisciplinary 77
Multidisciplinary 193
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Voice pedagogy 235
Speech Pathology 33
Medical 328
Medical 335
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Voice Pedagogy 76
Voice Pedagogy 64
Voice Pedagogy 213
Medical 352
Voice Pedagogy 185
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Voice Pedagogy 15
Voice Pedagogy 32
Voice Pedagogy 310
Voice Pedagogy 252
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Voice Pedagogy 200
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Voice Pedagogy 350
Voice Pedagogy 351
Voice Pedagogy 29
Voice Pedagogy 260
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Voice Moves the World
Zhaoyan Zhang
"Towards cause-effect Theory of Human Voice Production: Forward and Inverse Problems"
Filipa Lã
"Flow Ball Device to Achieve Flow Phonation"
Voice Pedagogy 48
Voice Pedagogy 167
Consensus Perspectives on Singing
Consensus Perspectives on Singing
Jan Svec
"Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?"
Gloria Fabuel
"The sound of Beauty: Shine and Resonate from Inside"
Lyric Performance
Live Streaming Highlights
PEVoC Live Streaming Highlights registration includes: Opening Ceremony, 6 lectures from the keynote speakers (6 hours), 3 lectures from Science & Art (2 hours), 3 experiments in Singing with Science (1.5 hours), 15 Round Tables (15 hours), and the closing ceremony.
You can check further details of what is included in this pdf.
Keynote speakers

PROF. Sophie Scott
Director of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, and Head of the Speech Communications Group. Her scientific interest focuses on the neural basis of vocal communication, how our brain processes information in speech and voice, and how our brains control the production of our voice. She is also interested in the expression of emotion in the voice and especially laughter.
What can we learn about voices by thinking about the brain?

Prof. Bernhard Richter
Voice doctor (ENT physician and phoniatrist) and professional singer. Professor of Music Medicine at the Freiburg Institute for Musicians’ Medicine (FIM) (University Hospital and University of Music Freiburg, Germany). He is interested in the medical care of instrumentalists and singers. His recent studies focus on real-time dynamic magnetic resonance imaging for the analysis of vocal physiology.
From Leonardo’s dream to dynamic magnetic resonance imaging

Dr. Giovanni Di Rossi
ENT and phoniatrician. He has dedicated more than 35 years to FiberEndoscopic PhonoSurgery. He has operated on more than 5,000 cases with impressive surgical precision. He has designed new instrumentation and material to operate with maximum accuracy. He is always backed up by a team of professionals working in perfect harmony.
Does FEPS make Phono Surgery more functional? How can we perform this?

Prof. Mara Dierssen
Holds a PhD in Medicine from the University of Cantabria and has held a number of academic and scientific positions in different Universities, and research centres. She directs the Cell and Systems Neurobiology Laboratory at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), an excellence scientific center in Barcelona. As a passionate science communicator, she launched ‘Realidades Paralelas’ (Parallel Realities), empowering people with Down’s Syndrome through musical creation, promoting social recognition of disabled collectives through scientific knowledge. Gain insights into the latest research findings and discover how this knowledge can be practically applied.
Neuro-Unconcert: Delving into the fascinating realm of neurobiology and music

Prof. Zhaoyan Zhang
Mechanical Engineer. His interest lies in understanding the cause-effect relationship between voice physiology and the produced voice. Current research projects include topics on laryngeal fluid-structure interaction, vocal fold biomechanics, source-filter interaction, and neuromuscular control of voice production and quality, toward clinical and voice technology applications. One particular focus is the application of cause-effect understanding of voice production toward ambulatory monitoring of vocal behaviour outside the clinic using machine learning methods.
“Toward a cause-effect theory of human voice production: forward and inverse problems”

Prof. Jan Svec
Voice scientist with background in fine mechanics and optics, biophysics and medical sciences. He designed videokymography, a method for high-speed visualization of vocal-fold vibrations, which is used for advanced diagnosis of voice disorders. His is interested in understanding and modelling of voice production. Lately, he has been concentrating on standardization of voice measurement techniques, on application of high-speed imaging and kymography in clinical practice, on voice biomechanics.
Measurement of Voice in Clinical Practice: What, How and Why?

Prof. Mara Behlau
Speech Language Pathologist, PhD in Human Communication Disorders. She is currently professor in the discipline of Interpersonal Relationship – Business Communication in the INSPER, São Paulo.
A unique and brilliant communicator not only for what she says but for how she expresses it. She fascinates and captivates all who listen to her. For this reason, she is Professor of Interpersonal Relations and Business Communication at INSPER, Sao Paulo. She knows how to transform her Science into Art and is a model of excellence in the art of communication.
Voice and culture – broadening horizons

Prof. Gloria Fabuel
Professor of Singing at the Joaquín Rodrigo Superior Conservatory of Music in Valencia and producer of the Nostrum Mare Camerata orchestra.
She has always been a tireless worker, full of innovative ideas that help her students find new ways to solve their vocal difficulties, consistently seeking to achieve vocal beauty. Her Art is clothed in Science, so her students grow harmoniously and naturally in Sci-Art Alive.
The sound of beauty. Shine and resonate from inside

Prof. Kittie Verdolini
PhD, CCC-SLP, MDiv, is Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Linguistics and Cognitive Science at the University of Delaware.
An indefatigable researcher with great skills for merging people and teams. Kittie Verdolini Abbott constantly searching to develop innovative work all the time focussing on harmony and beauty. She is another example of the continuous conjunction of art and science and has been a genuine force behind motor learning – something that must be applied in institutions such as music conservatories and music schools.
Art and science: Tired old artificial distinction or essential vital synergy?
Katherine (Kittie) Verdolini Abbott, PhD, CCC-SLP, MDiv, is Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Linguistics and Cognitive Science at the University of Delaware. Prior appointments include the University of Iowa, Harvard Medical School, and the University of Pittsburgh.
Her academic background is in voice science and cognitive neuroscience, with an emphasis in perceptual-motor learning. She is a former professional singer, trained in classical voice with extensive performance in both classical and non-classical singing. Her research, which has spanned the past several decades and funded by the United States National Institutes of Health, has addressed hydration, laryngeal biomechanics, wound healing, exercise physiology, psychology, cognitive science, perceptual-motor learning, and clinical trials in voice.
She is an active clinician who treasures “tough cases” that have been previously resistant to treatment. She is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, from which she holds certification in speech-language pathology and from which she received the association’s highest Honors in 2009 for lifetime contributions, the National Association of Teachers of Singing, the Voice and Speech Trainers Association, the Voice Foundation, and is Past President and member of the Pan American Vocology Association.
Soul Messengers
Jazz band with great personality and great sound cohesion, they are always original and creative. When the emotion that Carla and Charlie know how to transmit with their voices is combined with the musical magic of Marcos’ piano and Aritza’s groove, they transport you to another planet

Lyric singer
to be announced

Esteban Sanz
Composer, director, researcher, pedagogue. Disseminator, specialist in creativity and working with inexperienced, ephemeral and intergenerational musical groups. Promoter of choirs and professional groups. Director of the Instrumental Ensemble of Cantabria (ENSEIC)

José Masegosa, Julia Moller, Alberto Sánchez
Julia Moller, Alberto Sanchez and José Masegosa, in “Lamento de las Divas” and other joint performances , use their scintillating vocal artistry combined with their continuous characteristic humour, acidly funny scripts, and dynamically elegant yet daring stagecraft to enthral their audiences with deep emotions

Mara Dierssen
The band’s objective is to raise social awareness to promote research projects. The music of the “From lost” fuses many genres: Jazz, Rock, Soul, Reggae, Funk… Their spirit always stimulates and surprises

Proelastic Team
Irene Mezzacapo, Carmen Paula, Ruth Suarez, Jessica Sole, Dario Strangis, Archimede Pii, Andrea Bianchino, Carles Expósito, María Borragán, Valentina Camesasca
Singers, Voice Pedagogists, Speech Therapists, ENTs, Phoniatricians and Physiotherapists who research together under the PROEL umbrella. The symbiosis between Science and Art inspires them to search deeply into the hidden corners of the voice to develop more efficient solutions for voice problems or for vocal optimization.

We wish to create the best dynamics and breeding ground for achieving excellence. Knowing that participation is going to be appraised by the congress attendees will enhance the level of preparation of the communications or vocal performances.
These awards will be decided by digital voting by the audience. The process will be very simple by means of an app installed on the smartphone.

The prize is in honor of one of the fathers of the PEVOC conferences. The audience will vote for the best poster according to the quality of research, the importance ad originality of the work, the readibility and aesthetics of the presentation.

in talks, workshops and lectures

An Award for the nest Voice Performance during different moments of the Cogress, including the Vocal Lab, on the stage, in the improvisation and so on